We help you build better businesses and more fulfilling lives.

We want to see YOU thrive.
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Your guide to organizational and personal wellbeing

We have a unique, complimentary blend of personalities and experiences. From an ex-bank president, to licensed therapist, to an associate who has used iiChange to transform her life and is now making a difference with fellow adoptees…. Our unique perspectives allow us to teach and guide in a truly innovative way.

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Our Mission
To build a better world through teaching social and emotional skills.
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Our Vision
To see individuals and organizations mutually thrive.

We are Innovative Interchange®

Kathy Hollingsworth


Kathy Hollingsworth has more than 40 years of experience in coaching individuals and organizations to their highest potential...

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Kathy helps individuals and organizations become high performers and facilitates dialogue to create strategic outcomes. Her experience includes coaching and managing both processes and people, facilitating authentic dialogue, developing creative strategies, managing internal and external customers and selling products and services. Kathy spent twenty-nine years in banking, prior to forming Innovative InterChange ®  Inc. in 2003. Kathy earned a bachelor’s degree in geography from Wittenberg University and an MBA from Case Western University.

Frank Hollingsworth


Throughout his working career with NCR, Reynolds & Reynolds and Consensus Solutions, Frank recognized the essential nature of effective, authentic communications...

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Frank hasseen authentic communication allow everyone to better understand issues and mutually engage their creativity to craft sustainable solutions. Recognizing that he's often coming from a different perspective, these skills are also key to bringing his best to various community organizations, condo boards as well as family and friends. Frank is originally from Fort Lauderdale, Florida. He earned his bachelor's degree in chemistry and an MBA from Auburn University. He also has a Masters Certificate in Project Management from George Washington University.

Meredith Marks

Learning and Client Experience Manager

Meredith Marks (she/her) is passionate about helping teams and individuals learn and grow...

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Meredith has a unique background of organizational development, program management, and mental health counseling that helps her approach problems in a way that benefits both the organization and the individual. Meredith seeks to build a collaborative relationship with her clients based on mutual trust and respect.  She has a Master’s in Clinical Mental Health Counseling from Xavier University and a Bachelor’s in American Studies from American University.

Anna Jinja Mather

iiChange Associate

Anna Jinja Mather is an international adoptee who has experienced and examined the pain of rejection in both her personal and professional life...

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While acknowledging the suffering  and harm caused by prejudice, discrimination, and racism, she believes  in the potential and capabilities of her fellow human beings and  herself. It is for this reason that she has pursued acquiring knowledge,  resources, and approaches that equip individuals,  teams, and organizations to be and become their best.

In 2005, Anna was  introduced to the iiChange Transformation Model. After learning and  implementing the model, she learned how to let go of the beliefs and  behaviors that confined  her from using her unique talents and gifts to thrive in her work,  relationships, and passion projects.

Anna’s Adoptee Program

Innovative Insights from the blog