Employee wellbeing and efficiency don’t have to be at odds

You can stop the revolving door of turnover and improve employee performance by investing in your employees’ wellbeing. Studies show that for every $1 invested in employee wellbeing there is a $4 return.
Guy in office

Employee retention is 4X higher when managers possess strong emotional intelligence.

Gallup Study

Efficiency at any cost has a high cost… your staff.

You can close the revolving door by opening minds and hearts. To do that, you need a common language rooted in social and emotional skills…

Learn an empathetic leadership style
Learn and practice effective communication
Find professional purpose and contentment
Learn an empathetic leadership style

Better manage yourself and your employees


Minimize Turnover

Align priorities and values to create trust and prevent turnover


Transcend Productivity

Learn to empathize with your staff as more than producers.


Break Barriers

Find a common language and eliminate communication issues.


Instill Trust

Emotional intelligence yields genuine trust. Trust has amazing ROI!

Curriculum, Coaching, and Consulting for Organizations

Executive Coaching

Can follow established iiChange curriculum or be customized as needed. We work directly with leaders to transform your org.
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Employee Coaching

Often in conjunction with curriculum. Creative Conflict course can be customized to fit employees experiencing current conflict.
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iiChange Consulting Services



Both formal and informal assessments to check the temperature of your organization’s wellbeing.

Operations Consultation

We work alongside you to review policy and your organization's operations.

Dialogue Facilitation

We will be mediator and facilitate healthy dialogue in your organization.
For Organizations

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Workplace Well-Being?

Workplace Well-Being means Individuals, Teams, and Organizations have the capacity to Know, Relate, Create, and Thrive.

  • Know: Be aware of individual, team and organizational strengths and challenges. Understand behaviors and strategies that can that increase your likelihood of  success, resiliency, and contentment. 
  • Relate: Ability to build strong connections with others based on respect, healthy communication, and trust.
  • Create: Identify innovative solutions and design helpful tools and systems.
  • Thrive: Increase your capacity and the capacity of others to find fulfillment and realize meaningful contributions to society.
How do you measure Individual, team and organizational learning, to know if we’ve made progress?

There are a number of third party assessments we use to measure well-being of the individual, team and the organization.

Assessments currently offered:
  • Communication Styles Survey (Training Associates Press)
  • Resiliency Assessment (Terrace Metrics)
  • 360 Degree Feedback (G360)
  • Team Assessment (G360)
  • Workplace Well-Being Satisfaction Survey

Are classes online or in-person?

We have the ability to teach in-person and in a webinar format. We can work with you to create a structure that best suits you or your employee's needs.

Who teaches the classes?

Classes are facilitated by people who are certified in the Innovative Interchange Process.

How often do you offer classes?

We offer online classes for individuals several times a year. Classes for teams and organizations will be scheduled as requested.

Can we have you speak?

Our facilitators are available to speak on several topics associated with personal and organizational well-being.

A few organizations we have served

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Are you ready to transform your leadership skills?

You can thrive by building a happy and robust workforce.
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